巴西猪肉出口又向韩国迈进一步 中国从巴西进口猪肉
BRAZIL - Brazil is now a step closer to being able to export pork products to South Korea. For Brazil, the opening of this market could result in business of US$153.6 million per year."It is a major breakthrough in the negotiations that began in 2004, when South Korea still had a law that did not recognize the regionalization of Foot and Mouth Disease and demanded that the country as a whole was free of the disease," emphasized Tatiana Palermo."In 2008, the Korean government changed its legislation recognizing the principle of regionalization and, from there, began the risk analysis for the importation of Brazilian pork."The Ministry of Agriculture will now check the requirements proposed by South Korea and the South Korean government will hold a public consultation. If there is no impediment, the final requirements for export of pork from Brazil to South Korea will be published.
巴西(Brazil)与韩国(South Korea)的猪肉产蒲狯口业务又迈进一步 。要是成功,巴西能从这个开放的市场中获得每年价值1.536亿美元的业务 。塔蒂阿娜·巴勒莫(Tatiana Palermo)强调说:“谈判在2004年初取得重要打破,当时韩国法律不认可部分区域存在口蹄疫,而是请求整国都没有口蹄疫 。到了2008年,韩国政府改变了对区域口蹄疫规定的立法 。韩国从此开始对巴西的进口猪肉进行风险分析 。”巴西农业部长将会检查韩国提出的请求,并与韩国政府进行公开磋商 。要是一切顺利 , 将会发布巴西与韩国猪肉出口业务的最终需求 。
【巴西猪肉出口又向韩国迈进一步 中国从巴西进口猪肉】
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