
EU - Thanks to the pre-Easter business, the situation has finally improved on the European pig slaughter market. The knot has been cut. Many quotations are going up noticeably.The first step was taken by Germany with its 5 cents’ plus. Thus, the benchmark was set for the other countries.The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria followed suit with quotations almost alike. The market is cleared; now, shortly before Easter, pigs are well demanded by the slaughter companies.In Great Britain the mood also feels much more like in spring. The quotations recorded for pigs for slaughter went up. As stated by a British market observer, Germany’s five cents’ increase was quite helpful. Unchanged prices are reported on from Spain, France and Denmark.【欧盟猪价:复活节前贸易激励市场】

幸亏有重活节前的贸易,解决了欧盟生猪屠宰市场状况如何得到改善这一难题 。许多猪肉报价正在显著提高 。德国报价增长5美分,率先踏出首席步,为其他国家报价奠定了基准 。荷兰、比利时和奥地利的报价紧随德国之后几乎一模一样 。市场开始明朗化 。屠宰公司在重活节前短期内对猪的需求量增添 。英国的心情就像迎来了春天 , 生猪屠宰报价节节上升 。正如英国市场察看家所言,德国增长的5美分报价十分实用 。西班牙、法国和丹麦的报价还未变幻 。
