生猪展望:美国三月生猪库存量增加 生猪预计市场占有率
US - The March Hogs and Pigs report said the nation's hog inventory was up 0.4 per cent on the first day of March. The breeding herd was down a tiny 0.03 per cent and market hog numbers were up 0.4 per cent, write Ron Plain and Scott Brown, Ag Economics, MU.Winter farrowings were down 0.8 per cent. Spring farrowings are forecast to be down 0.5 per cent with summer farrowings down 3.5 per cent. Pigs per litter during December-February were up 0.7 per cent, but because of fewer litters the pig crop was down 0.2 per cent. The market hog inventory was a bit larger than trade expectations and the breeding herd a bit smaller. Farrowing intentions for June-August are 3.8 per cent less than the average trade forecast.【生猪展望:美国三月生猪库存量增加 生猪预计市场占有率】
农业经济学家罗恩·普莱恩(Ron Plain)和斯考特·布朗(Scott Brown)写道 , 三月生猪和仔猪报告显示美国生猪库存量在三月的首席天上涨0.4%,育种猪群小幅下降0.03%,市场生猪数量增添0.4% , 冬季产仔数下降0.8% 。据预料春季产仔数降低0.5%,夏季产仔数相应下降3.5% 。因为少量的仔猪食用作物降低了0.2%,所以每窝仔猪在十二月到二月间只上升0.7% 。市场生猪库存量高于贸易预期一小部分,而育种猪群低于预期 。六月至八月的产仔数应会比贸易均匀预料低3.8% 。
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