巴西推出新的猪肉生产福利指南 巴西猪肉为什么便宜
BRAZIL - The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) has made available three booklets on welfare in pig farming. The publications address the treatment of animals on farms, in transportation and in the slaughter house.The booklets have been prepared by the Committee on Animal Welfare Map in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Pig Breeders (ABCS), Brazilian Embrapa Poultry and Swine and Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae).The first booklet teaches the procedures to be adopted on farms in relation to issues such as nutrition, biosecurity and air conditioning.The transport of animals is covered in the second booklet as good welfare in transportation reduces the stress of pigs.At the beginning of animal boarding, according to the publication, pigs should be led in small groups of two to three pigs per wielder.【巴西推出新的猪肉生产福利指南 巴西猪肉为什么便宜】
巴西农业部(MAPA)针对养猪场福利制作了三本实用的手册 。出版物的主要内容是关于农场、交通运输和屠宰场中的牲畜待遇 。福利手册由动物福利指南委员会与巴西养猪者协会(ABCS)、巴西农业生猪与家禽研究所和极小型企业服务局(Sebrae)合作共同编写 。首席本手册教养殖者相关已被采用农场问题的解决主意,譬如营养学、生物安全和调节 。第二本手册涵盖了牲畜运输,好的动物运输福利有助于缓解猪的压力 。根据出版物猪在初始的寄居阶段应组成二到三只的小群体 。
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