美国养猪计划 美国猪肉行业寻找未来的养猪户
US – The Pork Checkoff is launching a new national awards programme to recognise, inspire and connect the next generation of American pig farmers.The new award will recognise future farm leaders, aged 18-29, who intend to make pig farming their life’s work and are committed to the US pork industry and to raising pigs using ethical principles.“One of the National Pork Board’s primary responsibilities is to train and motivate future pork industry leaders,” said National Pork Board President Jan Archer, a pig farmer from Goldsboro, North Carolina. “The award is designed to recognise and inspire youth who are investing their time and energy into responsible pig farming.”
为了找求、鼓动并与美国的下一代养猪户建立联系 , 美国猪肉基金(Pork Checkoff)制定出一项新的全国范围内的奖金准备 。这个新奖项将帮助协会找找年龄在18-19岁的未来农场精英 , 他们需要有一颗把养猪作为毕生事业的心,并投身于此,遵守养猪的道德原则 。国家猪肉委员会主席Jan Archer是一位来自北卡莱罗纳州的养猪者,他说:“国家养猪委员会的首要责任之一就是培育和鼓动未来养猪业的精英 。”设立奖金的目的就在于找到并鼓动能够全身心投入尽职养猪的年轻人 。
【美国养猪计划 美国猪肉行业寻找未来的养猪户】
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