CAMEROON - The African Swine Fever (ASF) epidemic that began in mid-May 2016 continues to decimate livestock in some areas of Cameroon, writes Jean Armand Bokally Dande.Since the end of March, people living in Adamaoua and northern parts of Cameroon have found it difficult to consume pork meat, according to the Government.This situation arose following the discovery of an ASF outbreak in the subdivision of Mbé. As a result, the administrative authorities were forced to take measures to restrict the sales of pigmeat, a measure that is now affecting the entire region.【非洲猪瘟防控规定导致喀麦隆北部猪肉短缺】
珍·阿曼德(Jean Armand)写道,由于2016年5月中旬开始蔓延的非洲猪瘟(ASF),喀麦隆部分地区还在不断扑杀活畜 。根据政府透露,自三月末 , 阿达马瓦(Adamaoua)与喀麦隆北部的居民开始发明很难买到猪肉 。这种局面始于Mbé片区发明的一例非洲猪瘟疫情后 , 因此,行政当局被迫采取措施限制猪肉的销售,现在该措施正波及整个北部地区 。
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