US - USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service published their weekly Actual Slaughter Under Federal Inspection report, which is data compiled by USDA-NASS from the USDA-FSIS (the agency that processors are required to report slaughter related data to), writes the Steiner Consulting Group.Those data were for the week ending December 10th (Market News code SJ LS711) and gave much more detail than the preliminary report. The preliminary report is usually issued each week on Fridays. In the preliminary report, weights are a multi-week moving average, so seasonal turning points are missed and revisions are often required.The overall Federally Inspected (FI) cattle weight was revised lower for the week ending December 10th, while the average hog weight was revised up one pound from the preliminary estimate.
史蒂夫咨询集团(Steiner Consulting Group)写道,美国农业部农产品销售局刚公开了他们每周联邦检验实际屠宰报告,报告数据来自美国农业部食品安全监督服务局(USDA-FSIS)(该机构请求加工商把屠宰相关的数据报赠它) , 由美国农业部国家农业统计局汇编(USDA-NASS) 。这些数据采自12月10日结束的那一周(市场新闻编码 SjLS711),该报告能让人得到比初步报告更多的细节 。初步报告通常在每周五发布,分量时常取多周的挪移均匀数,以至于难以发明季节性拐点,时常需要重新修订 。在对12月10日当周的数据重新修订后,联邦检验的活牛体重集体要低于初步报告的数据,而活猪均重则比初步报告的估值高出一磅 。
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