
抖音上有许多好听的歌曲被大家分享出来,今天在抖音上听到一首歌非常的好听,是由抖音ID为肖恩的音乐人原唱的一首歌曲,相信许多小伙伴都有刷到过,小编就将完整版的音乐分享给大家 。
这首非常火的音乐歌名叫做《journey旅程》,是抖音音乐人肖恩演唱的一首歌曲,相信许多小伙伴都会喜欢这首歌的,大家可以点击下方的试听链接直接试听 。



《journey旅程》歌词分享词:Shaun Gibson
曲:Shaun Gibson
编曲:肖恩Shaun Gibson
录音:肖恩Shaun Gibson
混音:肖恩Shaun Gibson
Gonna pack a bag start living my dreams
Find the place where the suo na sings
【抖音肖恩歌曲叫什么_抖音肖恩旅程完整版试听地址】There must be more to see than the TV shows
Hop aboard the famous gao tie
Head into the countryside for clean air
Make friends in the city to show me around who knows
When I'm gone oh don't miss me when I'm gone
I'll be on the greatest journey since Wukong
Way beyond the beaten track is where I belong
Find my own
Oh I've climbed the highest mountain saw the valley from the sky
Even sailed the Yangtze river from Chongqing to old Shanghai
Just so all the sweet adventures of my life won't pass me by
Take a journey through the country where red dragons lurk inside
Emperors temples fallen dynasties
Terracotta men ethnic minorities
Myths of dragons snakes ghosts and flying monkeys
Er hu and Kung fu in the park
There's barbecue way after dark
Plaza dancing when the music starts
When I'm gone I'll be the one who's calling you
Hanging out with the pandas in Chengdu
Wondering how I'd make music with Chinese gu
Don't know about you
Oh I've climbed the highest mountain saw the valley from the sky
Even sailed the Yangtze river from Chongqing to old Shanghai
Just so all the sweet adventures of my life won't pass me by
Take a journey through the country where red dragons lurk inside
Cos I've played around in Hainan building castles out of sand
Just to find myself in Dongbei with a snowball in my hand
But the single greatest wonder in this far-off ancient land
Is the more I learn the more I find there's left to understand
Oh I've climbed the highest mountain saw the valley from the sky
Even sailed the Yangtze river from Chongqing to old Shanghai
Just so all the sweet adventures of my life won't pass me by
Take a journey through the country where red dragons lurk inside
Cos I've played around in Hainan building castles out of sand
Just to find myself in Dongbei with a snowball in my hand
But the single greatest wonder in this far-off ancient land
Is the more I learn the more I find there's left to understand

抖音神曲2019 抖音专区
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