关于阅读的英语名言 关于读书的英语格言

【关于阅读的英语名言 关于读书的英语格言】1、Reading for wisdom like gymnastics to the body.2、Life is short and art is long.3、Time is a bird for ever on the wing.4、Activity is the only road to knowledge .5、Knowledge is power .6、I have a career,and I know it.7、common sense rarely lead us astray.8、Study hard,make progress every day.9、Ignorance is not innocence but sin.10、Much learning shows how little mortals know.

关于阅读的英语名言 关于读书的英语格言

1、Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.
知识是一回事,美德是另一回事 。
2、What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.
书迹即心迹,书品即人品 。
3、The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
智慧就是懂得该忽略什么的技巧 。
4、Reading for wisdom like gymnastics to the body.
读书对于智慧也像体操对于身体一样 。
5、Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.
读万卷书,行万里路 。
关于阅读的英语名言 关于读书的英语格言

6、reading without thinking,is to eat and do not digest.
读书而不思考,等于吃饭而不消化 。
7、Activity is the only road to knowledge .
8、Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.
知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是从火开始一样 。
9、Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.
知识是一回事,美德是另一回事 。
10、Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确 。
