侧重点不同:comparable表示可比性 , comparative强调相对性 。比较事物数量不同:comparable“可比较的”、“比得上的” , 表示两者在某一点或几点上有相似之处 , 可以进行比较的 。具体词性不同:comparable是形容词 , 意为“类似的;同等的” 。comparative即是形容词 , 也是名词 。作形容词时意为“比较的;相当的” , 作名词时意为“比较级;对手” 。

comparable双语例句A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much.
一栋类似的房子位于城南部就要贵一倍的价钱 。
Comparable perfumes would cost far more abroad.
类似的香水在国外价格要高得多 。
Inflation is now at a rate comparable with that in other European countries.
现在通货膨胀率已经和欧洲其他国家的差不多了 。
The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.
美国的情况与英国的不能直接相比 。
In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly
在其他具有可比性的国家 , 实际工资上涨更快 。
The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.
它所带来的危害相当于每年只抽一支烟所造成的危害 。
Published rates are not always directly comparable.
公布的比率并不是每次都可以直接进行比较 。
Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes
Digital公司新产品的定价比同类主机的一半还要低 。
By contrast,the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent
相反 , 荷兰的相对数字为16% 。
Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople
农民的收入本应该与城里人的收入相当 。
It is significantly more compact than any comparable laptop,with no loss in functionality.
它比同类笔记本电脑小巧很多 , 但功能未减 。
The two couples are in a comparable financial situation.
这两对夫妻的经济状况差不多 。
A bird's wings are comparable in function to a fish's fins.
鸟的翅膀与鱼的鳍功能相似 。
No horse has a speed comparable to that of his.
没有一匹马的速度比得上他的马 。
The achievements of a singer and an athlete are not comparable.
歌手的成就与运动员的成就不能相比 。
The solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to combine and annihilate.
太阳系与一个大小相同的反太阳系相互结合而湮没 。
Others were lesser known but of comparable quality.
其他的则鲜为人知,但质量相当 。
The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is comparable to that of modern steels that are very rich in alloy content and,therefore,very expensive.
经此过程生产出来的钢似乎兼具强度和韧性 , 可与合金含量非常高的现代钢相当 , 但是后者因为合金含量高而造价不菲 。
In a challenge for manufacturers,81%of paper product users said they would consider buying recycled toilet tissue if it were comparable in quality to standard paper.
对制造商的挑战在于 , 81%的用纸消费者说如果回收厕纸的质量可以和普通纸媲美 , 他们也会考虑购买 。
At the start of junior high,the math achievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those of students who displayed a fixed mind-set.
在刚上初中时 , 具有成长思维模式的学生的数学测试分数与显示出固定思维模式学生的分数相当 。
comparative双语例句The comparative analysis method is mainly used in the whole part.
整个部分采用了比较的分析方法 。
A Comparative Study of Construction Models between East China and West China
The company is a comparative newcomer to the software market.
就软件市场来说 , 这家公司相对而言就是新手了 。
Then he was living in comparative comfort.
他那时生活比较舒适 。
The task was accomplished with comparative ease.
相对而言 , 任务完成得比较轻松 。
Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.
让我们将这两种语言作一下比较研究 。
Comparative advantage is shifting to high value-added sectors.
相对优势正转移向高附加值行业 。
The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comparative analogy to the dog.
就一般情况说来 , 只有那种可恶的鲨鱼 , 才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性 。
a comparative study of the educational systems of two countries
After many hardships,he now lives in comparative ease.
经过许多困难之后 , 他现在的生活相对舒适 。
In this unit,are many adjectives.Please write their comparatives.
在这一单元中 , 有许多形容词 , 请依据前面所讲 , 写出他们的比较级
She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen.
她逃到相对安静的厨房里 。
In this respect,the proceeding was functionally similar to a comparative licensing adjudication.
在这一点上 , 手续在作用上即类似于比较许可证发放的裁断
Comparatives,superlatives,hedges,numerals,quantifiers and pronouns are also used in advertisements.
A Comparative Analysis on the Development of Major International Financial Center
Comparative Analysis and Methods Selection of Three Information Systems in College Library
This paper mainly adopts the induction and Comparative research methods.
本论文主要采取了归纳法和比较法的研究方法 。
The Comparative Analysis of Efficiency Market between China and Russia
Comparative Study on Chinese Traditional Sport Culture and Western Sport Culture
Comparative Study on Wind Farm Equivalent Modeling Based on Operation Data
- 关羽的品质和性格特点
- 经济和金融的区别 关于经济和金融的区别
- 3批次商品不合格,涉及童鞋和旅行箱等
- 什么是可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词和不可数名词的相关知识
- state和country的区别
- 水培肉肉怎么养殖 水培肉肉怎么养殖和浇水
- 红枣老姜茶的功效
- 从排卵试纸强阳和弱阳的对照图片 判断排卵的具体时间
- travelling和traveling区别
- sense和sence的区别