准备用英语怎么说 prepare
准备考试用英语怎么说 你好!
prepare 英[pr??pe?(r)] 美[pr??per]
vt. 准备; 预备(饭菜); 配备; 使(自己)有准备;
vt. 筹备 , 进行各项准备工作; 做好思想准备; 作出 , 制订; 锻炼(身体等) , 训练;
[例句]Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme
两个技术人员正在准备上周节目的录像带 。
准备怎么说用英语? ”准备开始“英文说法”ready for play.“
1、准备开始中Ready to start.;Ready to begin the.;The preparation starts to hit.
2、正准备开始工作is ready to start working.;Is preparing to start work.
3、向导准备开始安装The wizard is ready to begin installation.
1、至少在您准备开始旅行前的两个月申请 。 Apply at least two months before you plan to travel.
2、管艺说:“一年内 , 我准备开始收藏西方艺术品 , 我要扩展我的藏品 。 In one year’s time I plan to start collecting western art, I want to expand my collection.
3、如果在“开户”完成之前就有人准备开始“存款”相关的工作 , 要等到“开户”彻底完成之后再检入“存款”相关代码 。 If someone is going to start work on Deposit before Register is complete, wait to check in the Deposit code until Register is complete.
4、第二天早上 , 她七点就起来了 , 准备开始有关狗儿的找寻 。 The next morning she was up at seven and ready to begin the search.
5、向导唤醒熟睡中的露营者 , 告诉他们准备开始一天的登山行程 。 The guide roused the sleepy campers and told them to prepare for a day of hiking.
6、这是我从品牌监控中所学到的 , 也是在我个人看来值得向那些正准备开始使用社会化媒体的图书馆推荐的 。 This is what I learned from doing brand monitoring and what I personally would recommend to libraries that are getting started with social media.
7、曾有一次我觉得自己已经准备开始约会了 , 但发现对方觉得在公众被人看到与我一起很丢人只想跟我保持地下关系 。 Once I was ready to start dating I found myself in an undercover relationship with someone too ashamed to be seen in public with me.
8、我们驱车挨门逐户拜访 , 一家一家地敲门 , 准备开始我们的任务 。 We drove from house to house, knocking on doors, ready to begin our mission.
9、无论你是想要更换自己现在的工作还是准备开始寻找理想的工作 , 你都必须先认清你的优势所在 , 利用你的优势来找工作 。
Whether you're making a career change or starting out to find your ideal work, first get a clear picture of your strengths; work utilizing strengths is fulfilling.
10、校领导扎西德·扎曼在医院的病床上说:“在大爆炸发生的时候 , 我刚到学校准备开始我的工作 。 I had just arrived at school and was about to start my work when there was a big blast.
准备用英文怎么说 你玩游戏的时候 , 是不是常常听到系统这样报音:Ready?Go!
这样就是一般偏口语的用法 , 用prepare就比较正式了 。
eg:Are you ready?
准备 , 怎么翻译英文? Ready
英文“准备开始”怎么说呢? prepare
get ready for
作准备用英语怎么说? 准备考试用英语的表达:prepare for the examination、study for a test 。
一、study for a test
1、How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes.
你怎样进行复习考试?我是通过听磁带的方式 。
2、I love to, but I have to study for a test tomorrow night.
我很乐意 , 但是明晚我有个测试 , 我必须学习 。
二、prepare for the examination
1、What is the best way to go about reviewing the course material to prepare for the examination?
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