
家乡用英语怎么说 一般都说hometown 或者home place或者native place
家乡英语怎么说 家乡 英语是:
介绍你的家乡(英语) hometown;
家乡语言用英语怎么说 故乡: [ gù xiāng ]
1. home
2. homeland
3. native place

Relative explainations:
<hometown> <the old sod> <home town> <country (side)> <sod>

1. 他们思念着在亚洲的故乡 。
They were pining for their homeland in Asia.
2. 在国外多年后 , 他想回到故乡 。
After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.
3. 她念念不忘故乡 。
She clung to her memories of home.
4. 我依恋故乡的一草一木 。
I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
5. 我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代 。
I spent my early childhood in my hometown.
6. 她远远地离开故乡在外地生活 。
She lives a long way from home.

Our native land.
That of the native land?
They were sick for home.
他们思念故乡排 。
My country is Texas.
我的故乡是德克萨斯州 。
My Native Land For Whom I Yearn
He remarked the changes of his hometown.
他看到了故乡的变化 。
To remove from a native or usual locality.
He travelled from his birthplace to his new home.
他从故乡旅行到新居 。
he never went back to his hometown again.
他再也没有回过他的故乡 。
He thought of Beijing as his second native.
他把北京看作是第二故乡 。
“家乡”英语单词怎么写 家乡的英文:Hometown
hometown 读法 英 ['h??m'ta?n]  美 ['homta?n] 

Hometown Hero 家乡英雄
Hometown Memories 故乡的回忆 ; 家乡的回忆
Dream Hometown 梦乡
What do you know about her hometown? 
扩展资料hometown的近义词:家 home
home 读法 英 [h??m]  美 [hom] 

作名词的意思是: 家 , 住宅;产地;家乡;避难所
作副词的意思是:在家 , 回家;深入地
作形容词的意思是:国内的 , 家庭的;有效的
作及物动词的意思:归巢 , 回家
1、home的基本意思是“家,故乡”,多指某人出生以及成长的环境或与某人一起居住的地方 。 在美国口语中, home可与house互换,即把“家”和“住宅”看成一体 。 home也可作“家庭,家乡”解,这时其前不用冠词 。
2、home也可指植物或动物的“产地,生长地,发源地”,作此解时home用于单数形式,其前常加定冠词the,其后则常接介词of 。
3、home也可表示失去家庭照顾或有特殊需要者的“收容所,养育院”,是可数名词 。
4、home还可表示赛跑的“终点”或一些游戏、比赛中的“目标”,是不可数名词 。

"故乡"英语怎么说 家乡话不足以构成language , 可以说是dialect of my hometown
家乡用英语怎么说? 介绍我的家乡大连(英语)
My hometown is a beautiful and rich seaside city -- Dalian.
The seasons are as beautiful as poems and paintings! Spring, everywhere birds and flowers, give people a vibrant scene! Dalian's spring sunshine is always very gentle, on the face will feel everything warm. The delicate breeze is like a spring girl gently blowing through the treetops, before long, all kinds of flowers will be in bud! You see! Spring flowers open the small yellow petals like a small trumpet to people in the spring! Sakura is also unwilling to lag behind, open that small body, one after another pink flowers in front of our eyes, its petals crystal clear, people love! Spring winds sweep the petals from beneath the cherry trees, and they dance with the wind. Summer, the sun can lose the gentleness of spring, like a fireball burning hot on the earth, as if to give off all the heat. At this time, people will involuntarily all cluster in the seaside, cool a moment!
