我的家人现在都接受了我不吃糖和面包这件事 。
My family now accepts the fact that I don't eat sugar or bread
烤面包机持续开了一个多小时 。
The toaster remained on for more than an hour
她没有胃口 , 只是拨弄着面包和奶酪 。
She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.
他们的日常饮食包括一块不新鲜的面包、一碗米饭和变味的水 。
Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stalewater.
把它和法式面包一起端上去 。
Serve it with French bread
用碳水化合物含量高、脂肪含量低的土豆、面包和意大利面食填饱肚子 。
Fill up on potatoes, bread and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate andlow in fat
把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上 , 然后放在烤箱里烤脆 。
Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven.
政府提高了面包、肉类等几种基本商品的价格 。
The government increased prices on several basic commodities like breadand meat.
马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油 。
Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast
我们拿了几片陈面包来喂鸟 。
We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds
他仍然去村里的小店买小圆面包和汽水 。
He still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.
在面包上抹奶酪 。
Spread the bread with the cheese.
我的灯用60瓦 , 我的烤面包器用600瓦 。
My lamp uses 60 watts; my toaster uses 600 watts.
星期天早晨 , 妈妈会烤面包 , 我就站在冰箱旁帮忙 。
Sunday mornings my mother would bake. I'd stand by the fridge and help
像面包、牛奶和肉之类的东西要么是买不到 , 要么就是只能去黑市买 。
Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtainedonly on the black market
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