four-wheel drive 四轮驱动
front-wheel drive 前轮驱动
trailer 拖车
station wagon 小旅行车
truck 卡车
compact car 小型汽车
light-van 小型货车
garbage truck 垃圾车
automobile carrier 货运卡车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车
fire engine 消防车
tractor 牵引车
ambulance 救护车
taxi 出租车, 计程车
trailer truck 拖车
sports car 跑车
formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车
mail car 邮政车
jeep 吉普车
bloodmobile 捐血车 血浆车
bumper car 碰碰汽车
camper 露营车
police car 警车
wrecker 清障车
ambulance急救车 trailer 拖车truck 卡车 货车car 小型汽车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车jeep 吉普车 police car 警车train 火车plane 飞机rooter挖土机 轿车:car自行车:bike公交车:bus火车:trainSUV = Sports Utility Vehicle = 越野车Sedan = 轿车mini van = 旅行车truck = 卡车container truck = 货柜车towing truck = 拖车RV = Recreation Vehicle = 休闲车bus = 公共汽车taxi = 出租汽车bicycle = bike = 自行车摩托车
车的英文怎么读 是想说轿车吗?轿车是Car,音标是 [kɑ:],音译读成“卡(读四声)儿”
“车子”的英文怎么读? vehicle
[英] [?vi??k(?)l]
[美] [?vi?k(?)l]
n.交通工具; 车辆; 工具; 手段; 方法; 载体; 展色剂; 赋形药; 调漆料; 公司
A car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you.
车从你身边驶过的时候,引擎声音似乎会下降 。
[英] [kɑ?]
[美] [kɑr]
n.汽车; 货车; 火车车厢; 梯厢; 吊舱; 战车
we're going by car
车子英文怎么读 英文是car
- 你得把车子和旁边的车停齐 。
You have to line the car up with the ones beside you.
- 道路阻塞了,车子过不去 。
The road was blocked, no car could pass.
- 我们挤进我的车子,然后出发了 。
We crammed into my car and set off.
- 他们使劲拽开后座车门,跳进了她的车子 。
They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car.
- 车子一下子起火了,她设法从里面爬了出来 。
She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.
- 他独自哼着曲子打开了车子的后备箱 。
He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk.
- 我们把车子开进了一条死胡同,只得退出来 。
【学习知识|车英文怎么读,车用英文怎么说】We drove into a dead end and had to back out.
- 我们打开了车子的引擎盖,他开始仔细查看发动机 。
We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine.
- 我试图发动车子的时候我们互相打趣了几句 。
We bantered a bit while I tried to get the car started.
- 由于刹车太急,车子侧滑到了满是尘土的路肩上 。
The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road.
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