学习知识|酒店用英语怎么说,酒店单词怎么读( 四 )

系列康体娱乐设施一应俱全,让您舒展筋骨、放松心情 。
A series of Health and Recreation facilities smoothing your mood and limbering up your muscles and joints

优越的地理环境 , 成熟的商务氛围早已让宾馆成为恒久的商业地标 , 洪山宾馆将是您行政、商务、会议的首选 。
Such geographical advantage and sophisticated bussiness atmosphere create a permanent commercial icon.HongShan hotel where is your first choice for operating administrative or commercial affairs and your conference holding

Bussiness centre
商务中心配置了各项完善的多功能设备 , 可为您提供尽善尽美的商务服务及票务服务 。
perfect multiple facilities providing you the best of bussiness service and tickets booking
位 置:酒店一楼西大厅
location: west lobby,first floor of the hotel
营业时间:8:00---21:00(此服务时间以外若您需商务服务 , 可联系客服中心)
Open on 8:00 to 21:00(Any bussiness services if you are looking for out of the working time,please call the service center)
分 机:8108
service including:
1、英特网 Access to the Internet
可为您提供液晶显示屏 , 光纤高速上网 , 独立的上网区域 , 环境优雅
providing you LCD screens , high speed fibre optics Internet surfing,independent zone for roaming the Internet with graceful environment
2、塑封 Plastic-sealed
3、装订 Binding
4、扫描、复印、打印 scaning,copying,printing
5、邮寄快递服务 delivery service
6、票务中心 ticket-Booking center
可为您提供火车票、飞机票预订服务及旅游服务 providing train and airplane tickets booking and traveling services
