而这类很多都是由美国加州知名的园艺大师 Dick Wright 所杂交出来 。
特点就是叶片末端呈现蕾丝卷褶状,通常叶片都较薄 。
有趣的是,这类有些品种也包含彩色叶的特性,像昂贵的飞翔云 XDDD

5. 瘤状叶(Bumps)
同样的,很多也出自於Dick Wright之手
当然瘤出现的功能也不明,莫非是让动物觉得恶心不想去碰? XDDDDDD
【五大类 【莲花】拟石莲花属分类都有哪些】------------------------------------- 分隔线 -------------------------------------
之後Myron Kimnach於2003加以补充,将143个品种分为17类
於ICN上可看到James E. Low发表的文章简短地概述了这17类的分类(英语好的同学可以帮忙翻译翻译):
1. Angulatae, [Roots often tuberous; stem nearly lacking; small, narrow leaves; the inflorescences with one to several cincinni; petals acutely keeled and thick]. Now with 10 species.
2. Chloranthae, [Stems nearly lacking; infl. with 1 cincinnus; petals short and stout, green in color and obtusely keeled]. Only 1 species.
3. Ciliatae, [Stems short to medium; leaves pubescent (hairy) to glabrous (no hairs); infl. racemose or paniculate and often hairy]. Now with 8 species or ssp.
4. Echeveria, [Stems medium to tall; minutely puberulent to hirstute (fine to medium hairs); infl. a spike or equilateral raceme; often pubescent]. Now with 9 species or ssp.
5. Gibbiflorae, [Stems short to medium; glaberous (no hairs); infl. a paniculate cyme (a “thyrse”) with branches being a cincinni, rarely pubescent]. Now with 22 species or ssp.
6. Longistylae, [Stems nearly lacking; leaves glabrous (without hairs); infl. with 1 or 2 cincinni; corolla to 3 cm. long; styles 2 cm. long]. Now with only 1 species.
7. Mucronatae, [Roots tuberous; stems nearly lacking; leaves glabrous & small; infl. spicate or sub-racemose; petals to 2 mm long]. Now with 3 species.
8. Nudae, [Stems tall; leaves glabrous or papillose (hairless to fuzzy); infl. a raceme, rarely a spike]. Now with 25 species or ssp.
9. Occidentales, [Roots not tuberous; stems nearly lacking; leaves small to medium; infl. a cyme, much-branched apically, with cincinni; corollas red]. Now with 2 species.
10. Paniculatae, [Roots not tuberous; stems short; leaves small & glabrous; infl. cymose-paniuculate, with cincinni; corollas very small]. Now with 3 species.
11. Pruinosae, [Stems short; leaves small to medium and pruinose (white-frosted) to glaucous; infl. with 1 to 3 cincinni; petals thick]. Now with 3 species.
12. Racemosae, [Roots tuberous or fibrous; stems nearly lacking; rarely tall; leaves usually glabrous, rarely pubescent; infl. a raceme]. Now with 33 species or ssp.
13. Secundae. [Roots not tuberous; stems nearly lacking or short; leaves glabrous, small, usually glaucous; infl. with 1 or 2 cincinni; petals obtusely keeled]. Now with 6 species or ssp.
14. Spicatae, [Stems tall; leaves narrow & glabrous; infl. densely spicate or racemose; sepals often longer than the corolla; petals obtuse and keeled]. Now with 2 species.
15. Thyrsiflorae, [Roots tuberous, stems nearly lacking; leaves glabrous; infl. thyrsoid or sub-racemose and determinate]. Now with 3 species and ssp.
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