学习知识|简历英语怎么说,个人简历英语翻译( 三 )

Officer of Students’ Union
? Undertook work of question-offering in the First Winter Health Knowledge Competition of Medicine College by my professional knowledge resources in the library and on the Internet, and earned favorable commendation by the public.
? Contact with the excellent school mates to organize lectures on different topics.

Apprentice of Shanghai Chinese-Western Medicine Hospital
? Responsible for the distribution of medicine and record-making.
Doing statistics and analysis on surgery patients and non-surgery patients’ check in and check out by using Excel.
? I was responsible for registration of narcotic drugs and psychotic drugs.
? Participation in the destroying of expired drugs.
? I also assisted in the distribution of prescription for patients’ hospital discharging.
? I undertook work of arrangement and statistics of prescriptions.

Tutor experience
? during the period of being a high school student’s tutor I successfully helped him achieve noticeable improvement – salient improvement in mathematics and English, and from 39th to 15th in his class.

Surrogate of the campaign of Angli Education
? In order to expand influence of Angli Education in the campaign, I was in charge of the distribution of free datum from door to door in all of our school girls’ dormitories which received satisfying result – about one hundred people signed in successively.

Apprentice of acknowledgement in Xinyi Pharmaceutical Company
? I have a visit & observation to the process of production in the factory, acknowledgement of cautions and proper research & study on the mechanism and machines.
个人简历英文翻译 Resume(Ruai z u mei(重音在后面)) or CV(这个不解释)
简历英文翻译 杨明同学, 作为一个过来人, 我也写过你这样的, 很不合格的简历, 简历贵在简啊 。 CV 最最重要的一点就是 优势要突出!作为面试官, 他只会溜一眼, 从中发现你独特的地方 。 记住只是一眼!
建议强化一下实践经验和社团方面, 与下面那些笼统的自我评价合并同类项 。 经历啊, 流程啊, 这些无关紧要的统统PASS, 只说自己的感悟和收获, 自己的成长和成熟 。
另外一定要有一个你和任何人都不同的地方, 让人眼前一亮的那种, 吹一吹也好啊, 说明你很自信嘛 。
最后一定简练且条理分明哈, 看上去一目了然, 同时要准备好面试官针对简历对你的发问, 事先打好腹稿 。
外企竞争激烈, 加油!
